Sunday, September 20, 2009

Beading Techniques

I didn't want to post these pictures until I actually had something to decent to post but it looks like that's not going to happen so I'll just have to post my mediocre efforts =p Mediocre efforts made to look better with fancy photoshop editing! lol

Ella showing off her new headband. Made with pipe cleaners, beads, and a fabric covered button in the centre. She looks like a little hippy child =p

DISCLAIMER: The pictures below are pretty much just me practising and trying out new things. With the exception of maybe one or two things I'll probably just end up unthreading them all.

Not sure what this is lol. I just kept stringing and stringing until I had a really long string!

Trying out the netting stitch.

And from a different angle...

The beads in the background were done using the peyote stitch. All was going well until I pulled on the thread to tighten it all and the knot came undone and beads went flying everywhere. It took me 2 hours to do it too! I don't know how people manage to do 6 or 7 rows. I did 3 rows and then gave up because it was doing my head in.

Just a simple single strand bracelet on elastic to make it nice and stretchy. I really like this one and have been wearing it ever since I made it. The beads are not that dark in real life, the pink is a nice pale colour and it matches my watch =p

Another pair of earrings. A month ago I had no pairs of earrings. Now I have about 20.

This one is a really awkward length. Too short for a necklace, too big for my wrist (even when doubled over as shown in the pic) and too small for my ankle (when doubled). Not that I'd wear it anyway, not really my style.


  1. Ha! I must have had the same packet of green beads as you because I recognise all the green beads in the last shot!
    Everything's so pretty! You're doing really well (and you inspired me to drag mine out and make stuff)

  2. I originally bought them to make earrings and then when I opened the packet none of them matched! lol
